Saturday, September 26, 2015

Reflection 9/26

I love Sir Ken Robinson and I always find his talks so inspirational. Oddly, they always make me feel discord as well. I wholeheartedly nod in agreement when I hear him speak about how our school systems are killing creativity, prioritizing the wrong things, and are in need of a complete overhaul. However, I live and work in the system as it is now. In my role as a director, it is my job to make sure that we are following "the rules" that are placed upon us by federal and state mandates. It is my job to create effective systems that guarantee a certain level of consistency and commonality. As much as I agree with everything Ken Robinson is saying, I also recognize the need for some degree of systemization. So how do I live in a system and make the most positive impact I can, while simultaneously supporting an complete overhaul?

1 comment:

  1. You're asking those BIG questions that I think we all need to ask ourselves. Compliance is certainly important. I've always looked at it as little steps of progress. It's the same approach we'd use with our students--small, consistent steps over all longer period of time--and at the pace that's comfortable. Great to have you in class!
